Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome to ED 632, Spring 2009!

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the second half of the educational technology coursework for the 2008-2009 MAT program.

Here are links to the stories referenced in the syllabus, in case you are having problems with the links:
  • Lost Children of Kenya, by Amanda Gustavson. This piece explained current events at the time (the uprising in Kenya) through the character of a fictional nine year old
  • Viva La Revolucion, by Kate Coseo, a short explanation about social conditions in Brazil.
  • A Sense of Place, A trip around Baranof Island, by Marty Maines, prepared for his science class to help students study local ecology and geography.
  • Michael Mickey Mantle Jordan, by Nick Leiser, about why exercising is important.
  • Something in Common, by Rebecca Boettcher. Her piece explains fractions in terms of a fictional story.
  • Digital Story of Jeanne d Arc, by Shanna Rounds, done in French, to model combining digital storytelling, foreign language and social studies.
  • Sitka History, by Timm Nelson, prepared for his history students for the study of local, place-based history.
Questions? Please let me know.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Welcome to ED 630, Fall 2008

Here you will find important information, as well as access to all of your colleagues' blogfolios.

By now you should have all created a blog and told me what your blog web address is.

You should also have either the DVD with the course materials on it, or have downloaded the course materials from the DVD on to your computer.

If you don't have the course materials, then please get them from someone in your community who has them.

No one in your community to get the materials from? Then let me know so I can mail them to you.

Distance students:

To get started with the course, simply go the folder Syllabus2008-START HERE! and open up the file, SyllabusMatFall2008.

Juneau students:

Create your blog and read through the syllabus before the first class on September 2nd. We are meeting downstairs in the Novatney Bldg. in the conference room.